Wednesday, November 7, 2007

FInding Out Your Life Purpose

Most people have suppressed their psychic abilities at a young age when they are taught that they are "imagining" things. Hence, information from our higher self is suppressed or at best ignored.

In the linked website below, do try out their free lessons on Silva Ultramind.

One of the positive points of the Silva Ultra Mind Program include the teaching of the creation of coincidences via accessing your subconscious mind. The next positive point will be the lesson on finding your soul purpose in this lifetime which is applaudable. However, I feel that the e-course provides only brief information on certain topics as the Placebo effect. Overall, I will recommend it in view of the benefits it brings to people.

Once you have attended this e-course, you will be able to draw inspiration, inferences and coincidences in your daily life via accessing your Alpha Mind. (This is a life skill which will serve you dearly your whole life!)

After completing on their online training, it is considerable to enroll in their home study program at Silvia Life System. Among others abilities, you will be taught how to increase your speed of manifestation.

BTW, the lesson on communicating with your spirit guides will manifest soon!

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