Sunday, November 4, 2007

When the LOA Fails..

Have you ever experienced a scenario in which whatever you asked for did not manifest? When you keep making affirmations and nothing occurs? And you obeyed every single law in "The Secret". Here is what you are missing: Your Destiny.

"Anything not part of the greater plan for your soul, you will fail"

We come to Earth for a purpose. We are here to experience emotions and lessons. Hence, if you do what you are not supposed to do on this Earth; you will end up feeling frustrated, worn out and unhappy. The only way we can be happy is to find out your life mission and act on it. Period.

In my next post, I will list out ways in wish you can derive your purpose for coming to this Earth. Stay tuned...

Also, in my subsequent posts I will be elaborating on ...

1) The CORRECT way to communicate with your spirit guides
NOTE: This goes beyond "The Secret".

2) The job of your spirit guides as well as...

3) Things within locus of control and those that are NOT!

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